Monthly Archives: August 2013

a few things I have learned from MY dog…

meeeeet FELIX!!

meeeeet FELIX!!

Hello everyone!! I got a dog!! Yup, I have never had a dog in my life and I am now the proud owner of a small rescue Chihuahua!! It’s the funniest thing, I never in a million years thought I would want a Chi…but after getting to know and fall in love with Bestest’s Chi, Lulu, it seemed a no-brainer that my breed of choice would be one as well.

A Few Things I Have Learned From MY Dog…

1). I spend more time and energy feeding my small tiny dog* than I do feeding myself. Apparently I think that I can go days without actually eating a meal, but if Felix looks the slightest bit hungry, I mix him up a gourmet (primarily MEAT*) meal…and it doesn’t bother me in the least.

2). I have no problem cooking and handling meat (*see #1 above) because I am now Felix’s guardian and that is what he needs so that is what he gets.

2). I am going to need to get a bigger purse or else start carrying my (very small) dog in a bag so I can carry the extra stuff I need for him when we go out!! (Bed, water, water dish, treat, blanky…seriously.)

3). I have to be very careful where I step and sit down now…my small dog is the colour of many many things, it turns out, so camouflages veeeeerrrrry easily…he ends up underfoot so often!

4). I now believe in love at first sight and believe true love can happen in an instant. I know it sounds ridiculous but I could sit and stare at him all day, he really is so amazing.

5). Pets heal the soul…ours and theirs…because they are self realized beings.


Felix and besties with happy

Felix and Lulu…new besties with T…so happy

Ok, well time to have a cuddle with Fe…he needs about 100 kisses/day. OH! I almost forgot. I got Fe from the Chihuahua Rescue Truckee Meadows Inc.
They have lots of dogs who need homes…these little guys don’t take up much space…

Love and sweet dreams,

ps-don’t worry, I’m not really going to put him in a dog-purse…well, not yet, anyhow… 😉

What to do in the face of Failure…

Hello my super awesome yogis of the universe!! It’s Friday. The last time I wrote was…I think on Sunday…oh gosh, I just looked and I think it might have been on Saturday…which means that I have missed almost a week of my challenge and it’s only the 9th of August.


SO, here’s the deal…what do you do in the face of “FAILURE”??!!

I always believed that if I am going to do something (anything) then I must be great at it. I had the (un-conscious) idea in my head that if I was not good at something initially, then I was not good at it. Period. So, those things I would not do again. Ha, sounds so ridiculous to me in this moment, but at the time (for pretty well my whole life, at some times more strongly than others) it seemed to make sense, I guess. I am pretty certain I know where it came from originally. One of my clearest memories from my early years is of playing soccer. I went to an alternative elementary school called Sundance Elementary. My brother and I were a couple of hippy kids with a couple hippy parents who went to a hippy school with a bunch of other hippy kids and parents. We talked about warm fuzzies and cold pricklies, we had a family-room not a homeroom, we had offerings instead of classes and we, the kids (if we played our cards right) could have a hand in choosing what we wanted to do all day in our offerings…it was super hippy-tastic. One of the things I loved most about Sundance was that all the kids got to hang out together, no matter the age group. Sometimes there were classes that were age limitations (you had to be a certain age to play indoor basketball with the older kids, or maybe you were too old for the puppet show field trip etc), but for the most part, we were all free agents and worked at our own pace and played with the people we were drawn too, not necessarily the ones who were the same age.

So, here I was, a small 4 year old Sundancer, playing soccer (maybe even for the first time!) with my best friend (a small tot as well) and all the BIG KIDS. I remember running and running after the ball, constantly chasing the ball, and the kids, around the field…until the moment when it was my turn. The teacher, Giles, let both me and my besty have a turn. Everyone cheered me on, directed me to the ball…and I ran up to it and was so excited and I ….picked it up. And everyone yelled at me. Well, that’s how my 4 year old memory remembers it. I attempted something new, I got yelled at, I never played soccer again. Isn’t that how our brains work and develop? Something happens like that and then, whammo, we make a choice about who we are and what it means about us. Then we get to take all those thing we decide along the way and make them part of who we are. Awesome, from the age of 4, I made up my mind that if I am going to do ANYTHING, then I am going to be AWESOME at it, or not do it at all.

Super…those are some pretty big and lofty goals…and, it’s not that I am adverse to a challenge or adverse to having to work hard at things to get better or what have you…but the excitement that was crushed in a simple second by some harmless big kids who were only trying to help a small wee person play soccer…well, it’s taken me many years to want to play soccer again (actually, I don’t have any desire for soccer, but I have played and done all sorts of other things that I never would have done because I had determined that I was not good at, therefore would not do…but now I do things that I thought I was “bad” at, and realized that even if I am not good at those things (well, I haven’t played them my whole life, after all!), they are still fun!! Haha, who knew you can have fun without having to be an expert??!! Go figure.

So, now here I am, I committed to a 30 day challenge to write every day…9 days in and I’ve already missed writing for 5 of those days. And, I will be honest, I have felt pangs of guilt throughout the past few days about not writing…but have just said to myself that that is not how I operate, I do not make goals to feel guilty when I “fail”…in fact, setting goals for me is about being committed enough to stay with them even when they get tough…but not being so attached to them that I beat myself up if things don’t look or go the way I thought they were going to. Over the past few days I have had all sorts of conversations with myself about this. I have had to remind myself that I set my 30 day challenge to be creative and expressive and help myself write more…not to make myself feel badly if I am busy and get caught up and miss a day (or 5!). I also realized that I write when I am inspired…I write about things that ignite me, and that I feel passionate about (not to say that I am not, NOT inspired and/or ignited every single day, by something or someone around me, but it’s not always at the moment that I allotted for my writing that day!)…I don’t just write every day to fill a quota.

I have already had such a good lesson from my August challenge!! I am not writing a novel (right now!) or have a deadline to my editor (YET!), so I will continue on my path the way I am going. I am still committed to my writing challenge for this month, but I am also committed to supporting myself along the way (because, if I don’t support and champion for mySELF, then I will never be able to support and champion for ANYone else along the way…).

I love you, yogis. I hope you challenge yourself to do and try new things every single day. As I am realizing, “being good” at something has nothing to do with my ability, and everything to do with my intention. “Failure” only exists if I say it exists.

Love and special unicorn kisses,
-Ida xx

My Yoga Crushes!

Hello lovelies!

Saturday morning. Another beautiful day. Good one 😉

This week I got a new yoga crush. Don’t get me wrong, I love every student I meet…if someone has the gusto to challenge themselves to try this practice, then of course my heart is full for them! But, from time to time, I get a huge crush on a student who steals my admiration. I’m not talking a romantic crush, it has nothing to do with that…this crush is about an inspiration and admiration I feel from something I sense in a person. I try to allow myself to be inspired by everyone I meet (sometimes that can be harder than others, let’s be honest!!), but right now I have a couple yogis who have me yogi-smitten.

My first crush is Gwendolyn* (*of course, for purposes of this blog, names have been changed 😉 ). Gwendolyn is probably in her early 50’s, she’s married and she loves practicing this yoga. Those are really the only details I know about Gwendolyn. When she comes in for yoga she is so unassuming, nice, smiling, polite, kind and always seems genuinely happy to be there. She then works hard in class, takes her relaxation savasana, changes her clothes and is out the door with a wave and a smile. Sounds like most yogis…but there is something about Gwendolyn’s spirit and essence that I sense and it makes me feel happy…and then there’s the secret part of my crush…she absolutely ROCKS her shakti/onzie/kDeer shorts and her GLITTER bandeaus!! Seriously, I can’t help myself, between her shy demeanor and her strong focussed yoga practice she had me…but the shorts and bandeau? Well, sealed the deal. I don’t know what it is about Gwendolyn exactly that makes me feel so elated and happy, but there is something. There is something she posesses that gives me joy. So, I crush on Gwendolyn. Every time I see her. She knows she’s my yoga crush…she said I’m her’s too. ❤

My other yoga crush is Mike*…This week Mike secretly bragged to me about what a bad ass he is and that was the hook…I love a good proud self promoter with equal amounts of humility…seriously, best mix. It shows up in the yoga room as ultimate combination for yoga…a yogi who works hard but also knows his/her limits and at the same time is willing to exceed those limits…because we all know the truth about limits (what limits, we are yogis, we can do ANYTHING!!). Mike is older than Gwendolyn, he's got probably 15-20 years on her. He's been an athlete his whole life and has accomplished some really amazing things…and the amazing-ist part of it is HE IS STILL ACCOMPLISHING AMAZING THINGS…His longevity is AWESOME!!! The best part of Mike is, he's totally bad ass and he knows it…and I’m sure he's been bad ass for at least a decade before I was even born…so I have super duper high end respect for him…Mike inspires me to be Super Bad Ass Yogi Princess for years and years and years to come…. ❤

I know it’s easy to say “oh, we all get inspired by eachother, blah blah blah”, and the truth is, sometimes some people totally annoy us or whatever else…but if we just allow ourselves to be ourselves and others to be themselves, and understand that we all teach eachother and learn from eachother, then we begin to see amazing things in every person. And isn’t seeing amazingness in everyone way better than seeing anything other than that?

I think so…so I remain smitten.

Love you, yogis, you are all amazing…
-Ida xox


Good morning, yogis. Sigh, last evening I had to put on my hoodie. This morning when I got out of bed I had to put on sweat pants…the first time I’ve worn pants of any kind in a month it’s been THAT hot. So it’s a sign that the earth is still moving and we are still moving through time…but seriously, can’t summer last forever this year…? 

That’s not really what I’m posting about today. Today’s post is about this: Be.The.Sun. 

It was probably over a year ago now, maybe even close to two years, that an old friend of mine said to me, “be the Sun”. I was in some kind of turmoil about something in regards to someone else in my life (reason is insignificant, it was simply the catalyst), and she told me to be the Sun..the Sun remains the same…the Sun remains the same, no matter what. The Sun shines even when the clouds cover it up, the Sun comes up every single day even when bad things have happened around it, the Sun is bright and powerful and healing and uplifting in every single moment because it just keeps on shining…no matter what goes on around it. 


This year on my birthday, my mom gave me some tarot cards. I think it’s the third set of cards I’ve had through my life. I’ve always loved playing with and studying my Tarot cards, it’s really something that you can spend years “learning” how to read and use, because readings will always change and your understanding of them will always change. So I have these Motherpeace Tarot cards, and I like to do readings for myself (haha, and for others too, believe it or not!!) as a way of hashing through things, calling spirit guides, tuning into my Higher Self, etc. (sometimes you have to use everything you can to get answers!!). The other night I was struggling with a drama I had going on in my head so I pulled out the cards…well, long story short, this is the card I pulled for the card that represented “me” in the reading:


…haha. So, pretty well whenever anything has started to get to me the past few days, I just take a deep breath and remind myself, Be.The.Sun.

Have a happy Friday, my loves. Remember you get to be whatever you choose, all you have to do is see it in your mind’s eye.

Sending you lots of love…and, of course, lots of hot bright sun-shiny rays.

-Ida xx

(oh, and if you are reading this and you think the “friend” might be you, you are right, you know who you are, so thanks for that, LL 😉 )


if there is no CHALLENGE, then what’s keeping you moving forward…?

Gooood morning yogis!!!

Uh, can you believe it’s AUGUST FIRST already??! Wowee, time flies when you’re alive 😉

So, as I mentioned yesterday, I am challenging myself to 30 days of writing. In the past, I have done much reading and researching about 30 day challenges (they say it takes 30 days to start a new habit) because of the popularity of doing yoga challenges. I like to choose a new challenge topic for myself whenever we do a yoga challenge because I am already pretty confident with my yoga habit, I feel like it’s not going anywhere. By creating new challenges for myself, I get to be committed along side of my yogis, I just use a different tool to achieve the same goal…I am writing myself a step closer and they are stretching themselves a step closer to the ultimate goal…Self Realization!

Ever since I can remember I have known how to read. I don’t remember learning how, I just always remember reading. Now I would not consider myself a big reader. Everyone in my family is a reader. Seriously, they usually read the same books in succession of each other, and often they are all reading the same series of books at the same time. They like to geek out and talk about all the characters and what’s happening in the books together, as though they are all there. They are currently reading the Game of Thrones, so there is a LOT of geeking out to be done with this series, it really helps when there is a worldwide mass hysteria over the book/series of books, and even better if there is a tv show and/or a movie!! It’s a real super geek fest if all those things are aligned 😉 (NOTE to my readers, I LOVE geeks and I LOVE my family…and I LOVE to geek out with my family as well, so I too am reading Game of Thrones 😉 )

So, with reading comes writing, and I’ve always just known how to do that as well. I know, sounds pompous, but it’s true. I was a smart kid. lol. As I grew up I didn’t really get into writing much…just the journal entries from teen-hood about my broken heart or my heavy crush on the new guy on the basketball team and what to do about it all. (Sigh, high school.) It was when I was in my early 20’s that I discovered how much I love to write. I was doing all sorts of self discovery and self expression workshops, taking acting classes and trying to figure out what my passion is and what is holding me back from being amazing and ridiculously fulfilled in all areas of my life (and, btw, what I learned through all these courses and workshops is that we are all capable of whatever we want to be capable of because we are perfect and powerful exactly in this moment, so start visualizing what you want to create and START CREATING IT!)…and I decided (remembered/realized?) that I was wanted to write and that I was going to write a book one day. I didn’t know what it was going to be about, I didn’t know if it was going to be fiction or true tale…I just knew I would do it. One day. I tried my hand at play writing and screen writing (uh, no). I wrote several monologues that were parts of larger pieces for a one woman show I would one day produce (and perform), and even have a bunch of stuff hidden away somewhere of the light hearted book I was compiling called “The Good Girl’s Guide To…”, a series of observations of a 20 something girl living in Vancouver…clearly I realized that this “Good Girl in the City” wasn’t the voice I was going to move through the rest of my life with…it’s still just in pieces stashed away with the rest of my young adult musings.

So, here we are. I have a lot going on right now professionally, and sometimes I feel like I’m not expressing my creativity enough. If I focus too much on the left side of my brain I get lop sided and the right creative is stagnant and I get grump-o-rama. I need to have some creative expression in order to have, you guessed it, BALANCE in my brain life body mind spirit. So I am choosing to write! I will write for the month and see how creative I feel at the end of it. (Feel free to read as much or as little as you like through the process 😉 )

Do you have something that you have been wanting to do but putting off (gosh, what a cliche thing to write!! ha)? Well, maybe NOW is the time to do it…

That’s today’s post, my loves. Sometimes prolific ideas come in small offerings…and sometimes a simple post is just a simple post 🙂

Have fun today,
Ida xx