Tag Archives: goal setting

ch ch ch changes…

Good morning yogis!!! 

Change is afoot. Change is inevitable. Change is the one thing we can count on for sure….or can we? Yeah, totally we can.

Change comes. Sometimes we go to it, sometimes we run from it, sometimes we embrace it and sometimes we fear it. But change always comes.

Do you know the experience of your full life filling up your full days and not leaving time for much else? Do you also know the experience of getting INSPIRED, and SOMEHOW you seem to CREATE space in your life to ADD something that is IMPORTANT and you WANT to do…? Notice how you WORK REALLY HARD to put in all your time and effort, and you are run off your feet doing all the things you HAVE to do on a regular day to day basis, PLUS WHATEVER IT TAKES to accomplish the CHANGE your are NOW CREATING. Notice how inspired you are and how you don’t care about sleep, and how much you actually look forward to your lunch break spent working on the project, whatever it is…buying a new car, remodeling your house, getting your kids into college, building a business, preparing for a dinner party…you get the drift. We have all sorts of things in our lives that are obligatory, the things we HAVE to do like clean the toilet and get gas in the car…these things are not often inspiring or derivative of our passions, but we do them and make them happen and accept that they are part of daily living.

Change happens in our lives whether we are looking for it or not. Transition. Evolution. Doesn’t matter what you call it, there is no way you can keep everything the same in your life because that is not the nature of the world. 

I read an article the other day talking about mental attitude and how our thoughts dictate our emotions, physical sensations, etc. When you work out and your muscles are sore the next day, you feel excited that you did something, right? You take a “killer” yoga class and the next afternoon you are having trouble sitting down to pee or walking up and down stairs…but you love it!! Ha! You love it because you worked hard at it, you pushed yourself to create change and now you feel the results of your hard work. Reap the rewards. Now, imagine yourself waking up in the morning and rolling over and suddenly feeling a twang of muscle soreness in your back because you slipped and had to torque yourself suddenly so as not to crack your head on the ground…you slipped, not a big deal, you are fine…but the next day you feel it. You have to slowly sit up, slowly stand up, and it hurts to sit down and stand up too much. 

The emotional difference is that one is something that you created and one is something that was just handed to you. Same kind of physical sensations, right? Same kind of result in the physical body, but the emotional and mental difference is what makes all the difference…the sensations and results of doing full camel for the first time and slipping on the ice are almost identical, but one has you get out of bed, chuckle, bend, stretch, chuckle some more, grab your foam roller and tennis ball and get excited to go out and use your body!! The other, makes you not want to move, not want to get out of bed, feel sorry that it happened and reach for the Advil.

All change is the same, I think. Have you ever moved? Like a big move….how about a break-up? A big one. A new job? If you are the INSTIGATOR of change in your life, you move into it with excitement and forward energy, generally. If you are being “forced” to do something, like you got “dumped” or “fired” (such horrible meaning attached to these words!), then the resulting emotions, and physical sensations are laced with doubt, worry, anxiety, fear and overall blech energy…which is only forward moving because you can’t stay where you are anymore, they don’t want you!! Lol, we are such funny humans. If a relationship ends, it wasn’t the right fit anymore. If you lose your job, it’s not the right fit. If you choose that you want to lower your cost of living so as to have more money to raise your family, you choose to move to a different city where you can pay less rent and walk to work…it’s tough and difficult to make a move, to leave your home, to leave your friends and family and familiarity…but what is on the other side is so awesome too!! Thing is, with change, we never really know what is on the other side, so there isn’t that reward of knowing how the change is going to impact you…sometimes only an unknown, to which we can attach any kind of feeling or emotion. 

One of my mentors in my early adulthood used to say, “the only relationship you’ll ever have that ‘worked’ is the one that you’re in when you die”.

Be aware when you let your emotions dictate how you should feel…physically, mentally and spiritually…especially spiritually.

I love you, yogis!! I have been having a love affair with podcasts of a woman named Brene Brown…she has been studying shame (and other things), and is very inspiring!! More to come…

Have a great Saturday xox






Happy New Year 2014!

Good morning, my loves. Happy New Year!! Gosh I LOVE the New Year! Not because I love to go out and party it up on NYE but because I love a good excuse to start fresh. To close doors that don’t lead us where we are headed, and to open doors and windows and vents and nooks and crannies and unleash whatever is possible for the new year! Love it.

This time of year is special for me as it is also my birthday month, so for me the clean slate of the new year and my birthday always feels so energizing and exciting. 

2013 was the year of Love (and Locust) (if you don’t remember). I set out in 2013 to feel love and experience love around me for the year. I set out to have fun and enjoy myself….I think originally the idea was to “find love” in 2013. You know, meet someone and fall in love. What happened over the year was true love, but not in the way I thought it would appear. I did not end up falling in love in the sense that I originally thought….but I did find love all over the place!! I learned that love is in my experience. Taking the time to appreciate the things around me and to honour myself enough to love everything I do, eat, drink etc., was the perfect ingredient. 

In 2013 I got Felix. There is nothing like the love you share with a pet.


I travelled AND nested in 2013. I revelled in the comfort of my own home to make as I wish, and I got to travel to more places I had never been before.

I let go of some BIG beliefs about myself and food and my body and started eating EVERYTHING! (Because how will you know if you never try??!) and it turns out that cheese and bread is pretty well my favourite food and I still hate frozen fish sticks. (Below is me in Paris trying escargot…sometimes you try something and it’s awesome, sometimes not.)



Professionally, I focussed on my teaching in a way I never have before. I started practicing yoga more and more on my own, in my room, in a more “free-style” manor. I started really delving into the mechanics of my own body so as to understand the human body and the yoga practice that I teach on a deeper level. Being in one spot is so awesome because I have gotten to know the students who I teach on a regular basis so much better. Taking the time to study my own practice in a deeper more specific way, partnered with teaching the same yogis in the yoga room every day has given me a comfort level with my teaching that I am so much enjoying! I have been studying the human body (mine in particular but so many hundreds of other bodies over the past decade too!) for TEN years through teaching yoga, and this year I decided to give myself the credit that while I haven’t studied anything scientific in school, experience has been my biggest teacher and I know what I am talking about in the yoga room…AND I’m still learning so much more.

This year also saw the surrection of yoga retreats/vacations! I love love love the ocean and the beach and the sun (and who am I kidding, my bikini!) and it has been a dream for Bestest and I to take yogis to beautiful wonderful gorgeous places on the planet and do yoga for many years…and we finally did it!! (Stay tuned for details on the next one…May 31st-June 6, 2014.)


So, for 2014, here are a few goals I have put on my radar. I know from my experience that the best things in life take time, so I have added these goals for the year and we’ll see how it goes…

Learn to speak Spanish.

Do a handstand in the middle of the room.

Study reflexology.

I shall keep you posted on my progress….and don’t worry, I have not forgotten about the post on Dhanurasana that I promised…and I’m working on a birthday post for later this month…I have to tell you about how I used to hate my armpits! Sounds like 2014 is going to be a goooooood one!

So, again, Happy New Year, my loves, I can’t imagine a world without you..it would be very lonely.

Here’s to 2014, the year of EVOLUTION and LONGEVITY!!

I love you with all of my heart, 


Ida x

Anything is possible. Never say never. 




Anything is Possible. Never Say Never.

Hello everyone!! Happy Christmas morning!!

I am sitting here in my bed, drinking my tea, and thinking about this year in review. Thinking about who I was at the beginning and who I am now. Thinking about the things that I done and learned and experienced and all the places I went and people I met and spent time with. What a year!!

I started 2013 with the goal of creating LOVE in my life. I did not really know what that meant, or what I was embarking on. I am finishing 2013 full of LOVE and ZEST for my life, and with a new slogan to live by. It’s been quite the year.

For the past several years, I have been bouncing from place to place, exploring the world, talking yoga and anything else to anyone who cares to listen. I fully believe that ANYTHING is possible, and I include it in my teaching…make a goal, see the goal, create the goal…add a lot of hard work, some sweat and maybe a few tears, and voila, you have reached your goals…or they moved and shifted and you reached whatever you were meant to reach! The other day, however, I realized that I have two categories for “ANYTHING”. I have my, “current & future” anything, and I have my, “already know I don’t” anything.

What???? Hold the phone!! It was quite a revelation. I exist in the realm of possibility that anything AND everything is possible for me, for you, for whoever…but I also have this realm that seems to be the proverbial “box of old crap under the bed” that I have decided I do not want anymore, but can’t seem to get rid of…know what I mean? A list of things that I have decided “nope, never”. In this box under the bed is all sorts of things like old beliefs about myself (“not athletic, can’t eat like “normal” people, don’t have enough money, not co-ordinated, too weird, don’t fit in…blah blah blah”). These are the things that I have let go of, but like to acknowledge from time to time so I know where I have come from. However, there are also the things under there that I have tried and decided that I don’t want/like (snow sports, eating certain foods, going to the post office…this list seems simple and not profound, but in the realm of “anything is possible”, these things just don’t exist…why have disdain for mailing a package or dismiss snow sports simply because one time I didn’t like the experience? We are different through our lives…We EVOLVE, we grow, we change, so the things of the past are simply that, the past. We change physically deep down every single day, on a cellular level, so why would we ever hold ourselves back from this same change and evolution mentally? Just because one time there was something that happened that we reacted to in the body or mind in the past, does not mean that we must still hold that same experience today. It feels like a pretty big realization…realizing that I only half believe my own personal life motto. I have the feeling 2014 is going to be a pretty fun year…

So…what I have noticed in this revelation is that I now have TWO lines to live by:

“anything is possible” & “never say never”.

Through “anything is possible” I have been able to show myself that I can create what I imagine. If I can create a picture of it, then the visualization and manifestation is easy! Moving into “never say never” has suddenly opened up a whole new can of possibility because not only do I have all the things to do that I have NOT done yet, but now I have all the things in the box under my bed that I might have to re-visit!! All the things I have decided I don’t like are now back on the table! Ha, ain’t life grande??!!

Happy Christmas, my loves. This has been an amazing year for me in so many ways. Take a few minutes for yourself today and think about your year, what you brought into it and what you are taking away. Maybe think about what your goals are for 2014. We are such powerful beings, we are perfect and amazing and awesome…I hope you feel it ;).

2013 has been the year of LOVE. I hope your holiday is filled with LOVE and JOY for as many miles as you can see.

Ida xox