Tag Archives: self awareness

What would you think if you stood alone…?

Hello everyone!! Ah, happy New Year!! What a great new start. I am pretty wishy washy about Christmas (Chanukah) and Thanks Giving, but the New Year???!!! I loooooove the New Year. Yeah!I love that it’s like tearing a page off and having a clean surface. We get to leave behind what isn’t working for us and create new and wonderful things and situations for what we desire. It’s an excuse to change the way we dress, drink, eat, think and behave. We don’t need a reason to make these changes, the reason is built in…it’s a New Year!!

Today in my yoga practice, I had the thought, “if we all always stood alone, what would we think of ourselves?”. If you only ever saw yourself single, as one entity, no one around…if you only ever had yourself to compare yourself to, if you only ever saw how you were rather than how you are in relation to anyone or everyone else, then what would you think about yourself? Think of it…so much of what we think about ourselves is based on a comparison of us to other people. We compare our looks, how we dress, what we have accomplished, job, money, hair, car, voice….I could go on…are you getting what I’m laying down? You see, if I take only what I am, only what I have done or said or have, then I am perfect! There is nothing else, there is no better or worse, there only IS. There only IS what IS. That’s all. Just IS.

Stand alone, my friends. Not alone, as in a “loner”. Surround yourself with people and love and joy…but stand without judgement or comparison. When you start to see yourself as whole and perfect then imagine what is possible.

Go ahead, try it…I bet you’ll like it 😉

Love and clog dancing rainbow coloured unicorn kisses,

Some Things Take Time…

Hello Puppies…happy summer! YAY…seriously, I can’t say anything more than that…YAY…I’ve only been back in Victoria for a little over a week and already I was so over the weather!!! I am, as many of you I’m sure, SOOOOOO connected to the sun and the weather…especially when my brain tells me it’s summer and supposed to be sunny and warm and my body still feels cold from the actual weather. So, that being said, today is day TWO in a row of wearing less clothes and feeling warm!! whew 😉

I have been working on a post for the past few days but haven’t finished it or been ready to post it yet. It’s about weight, body image, size, fluctuation, acceptance…and my own journey over the years.

It’s a big one!!

Every day I think about my body and how I view my body and how I view myself in relation to my image…I’m sure many of you know what I’m talking about. I’m not sure if men feel the same way as women do (and of course not all women are the same, but in my experience as a woman and talking with other women, there is a common thread amongst us…), but I am sure that men have some kind of attachment to how they look and what it says about them. Everyday I look at myself in the mirror and have to make the choice to love what I see…I always am aware not to make a judgement on myself based on comparison of how I used to look or what my body used to be like. That is the biggest thing, isn’t it? Not living in the past and holding onto the past as though THAT was any better (or worse) than THIS.

If there is one thing I’ve learned over the years (who am I kidding…ONE THING????!!!! ha!) it’s that every body is different and never compare one to another as being better or worse…so, that being said, just because I looked a certain way before does not mean that the way I look now is any better or any worse…get where I’m going here? I have learned so much about myself through the practice of yoga and through my experience with food and lifestyle. I have gone through the gamut of eating and drinking and doing whatever I like when I like as well as being so over the top controlled about everything I did from food to sleep to yoga to when and where I went….sheesh, sounds exhausting, doesn’t it??!

So, here the deal…every day is a choice. A choice for you for how you want to be and how you want to feel and how you want to live in this life and in this world. You have the choice. If you make a choice that you don’t like then you get to make a different choice…but as long as you know that you have the choice then anything and everything you do is good and perfect and exactly the right thing.


Lifestyle, seasons, relationships, stress, hormones, age…these things are all a factor in what is happening in your body-physically and physiologically. Sometimes things will happen in your body that are out of your control (just wait, if it’s not happened to you yet, til you get a bit older and your hormones take over!!), and sometimes it is a direct relationship to your lifestyle (extra glass of wine here and there or a handful of this or that everyday can add up!). Again, you have the choice, you make the choice and as long as you know that, then you are in control of your own destiny….

I have so much more to say about this…about my own experience and path over the past years…but it’s not getting posted just now. I’m still working on it…just figuring out exactly what I have to share with you ;). It’s important to me because it’s been a HUUUUUUGE lesson for me, so I want to make sure I am saying what I feel I want to say.

For now, it’s time to go sit in the sun and soak up my vitamin D for the day.

Love yourself…I love you.
Ida xx