Tag Archives: vitamineral green

Yoga, random thoughts (in yoga) and green smoothies (post yoga)…

Good afternoon, y’all.

This morning I took my friend Abbey’s class over at BYSaanich. Abbey and I have been teaching together on and off for almost 8 years! It’s a bit like “coming home” when I take her class because I don’t have to think about anything…which leads me to my next thought…the random (or, as the case may be, NOT so random) thoughts I have in yoga class…

In Awkward pose I think about coffee. Every day. No fail.

In Eagle I think about Sushi. Weird? Yup, I think so too.

In Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee I think about Kombucha…but only once I’m IN the posture fully and looking at my belly. On the way IN TO the posture I think about Ren Soriano~a dear Bikram teacher who I knew and loved

By Savasana and Wind Removing, I’m usually thinking about various things of my day and/or staring at the wall trying NOT to think about various things of my day. Today I was thinking about this post…yup, realising that I always have the same thoughts in the same place in class was turning into a blog post today…AND staring at the wall trying not to think about random things.

Spine Series I’m pretty focussed on my body and trying to win over the urge to just lie there and do nothing.

In Spine Twist I’m thinking about how amazing I feel and how fast the class went (TODAY, though, I was thinking about the AMAZING adjustment I got on the first side of Spine Twist! My lover (I just did that typo TWICE, so left it in, as I thought it was a good one 😉 )ahem, my loWer back made a good pop as something moved back into place. Whew).

So, what I’m really trying to say is this; don’t fret, little bunnies, if you find that your mind is all over the place in yoga class and you keep hearing “clear your mind” and all that does is create more and more thoughts! I believe that I get some of my best thinking done in class…my body is taken care of, I don’t need to think about what to do with it as someone is telling me what to do, so my brain is open to receiving whatever comes along.

So, I made my way home (I’ve started riding my fancy red Raleigh cruiser  to the studio!), drank a huge jar of fresh lemonade and made a smoothie. Greens are a bit low in my fridge at the moment, so it was a green powder kind of day:

*Frozen banana, *fresh peach, *TBS hemp seeds, *heaping TBS of Green powder (I use Vitamineral Green, it’s my fav one I’ve found), *water and a *touch of maple syrup (I was in the mood for a little sweetie!).

Blend it up in the Vitamix and voila. I like to eat my smoothies with a spoon, so keep it kind of thick….but add more water for a more liquid consistency or add ice for a more frozen one.

Look at that GREEN!